Embracing the Big 4-0: Reflections on Milestones, Magic, and Lessons Learned

Aug. 08. 2023

Hey there, guess what? Today marks the big 4-0 for yours truly! And let me tell ya, I’m riding high on excitement with zero regrets from the epic weekend bash that kicked off this new chapter in my life. Trust me, my birthday celebration wasn’t just your run-of-the-mill affair. We’re talking snakes, magic, comedy—oh, and a theme that was totally me, because, well, why settle for anything less? Ha! The icing on the cake was being surrounded by the most incredible bunch of friends and colleagues, and let me tell you, the joy was absolutely real. I’m holding onto that experience as tightly as I do every cherished person who was in the room.


Sure, the past few years had their share of challenges, and this year didn’t exactly spring out of the gates on the best foot. But you know what? I made a conscious choice to make a shift- to intentionally turn things around and that is what has me so excited for the next chapter. The big 4-0 is here, and I couldn’t be more stoked about what’s on the horizon. It’s like I’m gearing up to craft a whole new season of life, and trust me, I’m all in! Now, let’s be real, my life isn’t flawless, and I’m not claiming to have all the answers. But what I do have is a commitment to growth, a hunger for learning, and a knack for self-reflection that’s a regular part of the routine.


Speaking of lessons, I’ve gathered a treasure trove of them over the years! And yes, some might sound like old-school clichés, but to me, they’re as true as true can be. That’s why I’m sharing them right here in my August blog, hoping they can sprinkle a little positivity, help someone find their joy, or offer a glimmer of light during tough times. So, buckle up, because here they come!


40 Lessons for 40 Years 


  1. Therapy is a profoundly beneficial tool. Understanding the origins of behavioral patterns and learning to self-regulate are essential in becoming more self-aware, grounded, and overall content.
  2. Accepting people for who they truly are can be an immensely challenging yet rewarding task.
  3. In addition to the above–recognizing that you cannot change another person is vital lesson to learn in life and your relationships 
  4. Practicing gratitude is never a waste of time. It’s an invaluable practice that helps alleviate anger and discontentment.
  5. Embracing humility by acknowledging and learning from one’s mistakes, without dwelling on them, fosters personal growth, awareness, and even self-improvement.
  6. Life is ephemeral and it goes by swiftly.
  7. We possess the power of choice in every aspect of our lives. Realizing that we have this ability to shape our own life leads to genuine and necessary improvements.
  8. Adopting an abundance mindset rather than a scarcity mindset on a daily basis can be challenging, but it is rewarding. Recognizing infinite options and opportunities generates far greater value than holding onto limiting beliefs. 
  9. It is perfectly acceptable for people to come into our lives for a temporary period, serving as teachers or catalysts for personal growth. They do not have to remain lifelong friends.
  10. The more effort and intention we invest in various aspects of life, the greater the rewards and outcomes. One could say that what we focus on expands, whether it be in dating, professional achievements, or even household projects.
  11. Engaging in daily physical movement holds significant importance. The saying “motion is lotion” particularly resonates with me, especially concerning my back health.
  12. Not every situation requires an urgent response. 
  13. Be curious–ask more questions, challenge beliefs, and question what you have been taught. 
  14. Just because we think something does not necessarily make it true. This applies to self-limiting beliefs and various other aspects of life.
  15. Articulate your needs. While it may be reasonable or unreasonable to someone, no one can read your mind.
  16. Manifest, Meditate, and practice positive affirmations–lean into the “woowoo!”
  17. Gaining clarity about our wants and desires simplifies the decision-making process. The clearer we are about what we want, the easier it becomes to reject what we do not want.
  18. It is entirely possible for two opposing truths to coexist simultaneously. For instance, one can feel sadness over a situation and those involved, while also experiencing happiness about the way that same situation is benefiting them.
  19. Self-improvement is not a linear process. Healing does not follow a specific order like the alphabet. It is entirely possible to work on oneself while simultaneously engaging in adventures, dating, and pursuing professional goals.
  20. In life, who you know often matters more than what you know. Mastering the art of meaningful conversations, networking, and helping others without ulterior motives can propel you forward in life.
  21. “Clear is Kind.”- Brenee Brown – When expectations are left vague or issues are danced around, it’s an act of unkindness that paves the way for future failures and complications.
  22. Giving grace goes further than giving yourself grief.
  23. Feedback is a gift.
  24. Being resourceful, a problem solver, and having a great work ethic can take you further in life than any degree ever will.
  25. The more you give, the more you receive, as the saying goes, but do not “give to get.”
  26. Complaining about things beyond our control serves no constructive purpose.
  27. Finding humor in most situations can lead to entertaining stories in the future.
  28. Trust your intuition, the mind and body are deeply connected.
  29. Celebrate the wins (even the small ones).
  30. Recognizing when we are triggered in a given moment and learning how to move past that moment demonstrates genuine progress and personal growth.
  31. If there is an activity that you avoid doing because you are not proficient in it–there is a high probability that it is something you need to do. Personally, this applies to activities such as push-ups, budgeting, and meditating.
  32. Focusing on our strengths and embracing what brings you joy leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
  33. Leave space for moderation and less black and white rigidity.
  34. The number on the scale holds significantly less importance than how you feel inside (and in your clothes).
  35. Sleep is not overrated. Also, why did I learn this so late in life?!
  36. The grass is greener where you water it.
  37. Happiness is not a constant state of being, it is a moment in time to appreciate and value.
  38. Life is too short to not love yourself.
  39. You do not have to be nice to everyone, but you also don’t need to be ugly to anyone either.
  40. Never stop having fun.


In the grand adventure of life, I’ve hit the fabulous 4-0 with a splash of magic and a burst of laughter. From epic celebrations to weathering life’s storms, it’s been a wild ride. Choosing growth, learning, and self-discovery, I’m diving headfirst into this new chapter. Imperfections and all, I’m thrilled for what lies ahead. And hey, those lessons I’ve picked up along the way? They might seem like classic advice, but trust me, they’re the real deal. So, here’s to sharing positivity, joy, and a little light to brighten tough times!