Feng Shui? What is it exactly and what should I look for?

May. 25. 2011

Recently I have had the pleasure of working with several different types of buyers. I suppose everyone is different, but this couple is great and once more I have learned a lot from them. They have a feng shui approach to things! While you may not believe in these types of things, it doesn’t mean someone else won’t down the road when they are ready to buy.

She walks around the house and observes, commenting what she likes and doesn’t and analyzes the home as it should suit them…or not. He stands outside first, and if he cannot find his barings, asks me what direction the home is facing (they moved to Austin not too long ago, and are ready to buy here shortly…if they can find the house with feng shui that suits them). Then comes inside. They talk about what they like and don’t like, and we are in the process of searching.

Here are some feng shui tips buyers can look for. Though some feng shui issues can be fixed, try to avoid the following:


  • lots of cracks in outdoor pavement
  • a triangular shaped lot or one that narrows in the back
  • a corner house on a busy street
  • a house at the bottom of a cul-de-sac or below street level
  • trees that appear to be leaning away from the property
  • a house within view of a cemetery, church, hospital, fire station, ugly eyesore, or a place that makes a lot of noise (i.e an auto repair shop, or bar)


  • chronically dark rooms or tight, congestive spaces
  • uneven floors
  • big exposed beams in bedrooms
  • front door aligned directly with back door or window
  • toilet or kitchen in center of house
  • stairs right behind entrance door

I found a helpful link on feng shui, should you want to look more into color characteristics, for decorating  and painting your home:
